Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Choir Updates-October

Choir Updates - October

Alabama National Fair Choral Festival: October 31st

 Monday, October 31st, 2016
7:30 am                              Choirs report to the practice gym in uniform
7:50-8:00 am                          Load Buses and Depart BGIS
9:15 am                              Arrive in Montgomery
10:10 am                                      Warmup Room
10:30 am                             Competition Performance
11:45 am                                      Awards Ceremony                
12:10 am – 2:45 pm                           Free Time at the Fair and lunch
3:00 pm                                      Buses Depart for BGIS
4:30 pm                                       Arrival at BGIS

The charter bus rules allow students to bring clear drinks and snacks for the bus ride. Drinks must be clear and have a screw on top. NO sunflower seeds, Doritos, Cheetos or gum. These are the charter bus rules regarding snacks and drinks.

Parents should pick their students up at BGIS no later than 4:30. We will call you or have your student call you on the way home if we are running early or late.

The students will stay in groups of 10 with a chaperone throughout the day. We are aware of all students with medical needs and will carry needed medication or emergency meds/instructions on the trip. 

Feel free to drive down on your own and watch our performance at 10:30 and if you want, you can find your student's group afterwards and stay with us at the fair for as long as you like. Adult general admission at the door is $12. Even if you are planning to drive down, your student must ride the bus to and from Montgomery with us. Students will be put in groups with a chaperone and must stay with their group the entire time. 

This is an all day trip and we will return to the school at 4:30. Students must have someone pick them up at BGIS at 4:30. If you cannot pick your child up at 4:30, please arrange for your child to have a ride. Students will purchase lunch at the fair on their own from the food trucks and will need cash (approx. $10-$15)on the day of the trip for that. Students may also pack a lunch if they choose not to purchase a lunch. 

Students will wear their choir t-shirts for this performance and khaki pants. (Khaki pants are purchased on your own). I do have extra shirts if you still need to pay the $15. Since it is past the deadline, it is not online--please just send in a check or cash and I will send a shirt home with them. Students should wear tennis shoes.
Students must wear their black choir t-shirt with khaki pants to school on Monday, October 31st.
Here is a picture of our group performing at the fair.

Friday, September 23, 2016

Show Choir Audition Results

Congratulations to the following students.

Show Choir 2016-2017


Rehearsals begin after school on Tuesday, September 27th until 4:30 and continue every Tuesday. There is a required choreography workshop on Friday, October 14th from 3:00-7:00 where we will learn our choreography for this year's show.

Saturday, September 10, 2016

September Choir Updates

Choir Uniform
Students must purchase a choir t-shirt this year. This will be our uniform for all performances. We sized t-shirts this week. Shirts should come in in a couple of weeks. The shirts are $15 and you can pay on myschoolfees.com or send in a check or cash. We will wear these with khaki pants. Khakis must be pants--no shorts or capri pants. Tennis shoes, Sperry's, or Tom's are the only approved shoes to wear at performances--no Chacco's, flip flops or sandals of any kind.
This was not paid at the beginning of the year. If you already have a shirt from a friend or sibling, your student may wear that one and does not have to buy another one.

October Field Trip
Our big field trip this year is to the Alabama National Fair Choral Festival in Montgomery on Monday, October 31st. The cost of this trip is $45 and goes to pay for:
charter bus transportation-(aprox. $2,000)
wristbands for students to ride unlimited rides ($20/student)
admission to the fair ($5/student)
I will have this on myschoolfees.com next week. The deadline to pay for this trip is Friday, October 7th because I must pay for the tickets, wristbands and buses in advance. Please let us know if you need financial assistance and we can usually work something out. An itinerary for the trip and more details will be coming your way soon. We will also need chaperones for this trip, so please be thinking about that if you are available or are able to take off work to join us. Chaperones must ride the charter buses with us, however, parents who are not chaperones may drive down to see the performance. It is an all day trip for students.

Show  Choir Tryouts
Show Choir tryouts for students that did not tryout in May are Friday, September 23rd after school. Students must sing a song of their choosing. Packets of information about show choir will be available  for students to pick up next week.

September Choir Updates

Choir Uniform
Students must purchase a choir t-shirt this year. This will be our uniform for all performances. We sized t-shirts this week. Shirts should come in in a couple of weeks. The shirts are $15 and you can pay on myschoolfees.com or send in a check or cash. We will wear these with khaki pants. Khakis must be pants--no shorts or capri pants. Tennis shoes, Sperry's, or Tom's are the only approved shoes to wear at performances--no Chacco's, flip flops or sandals of any kind.
This was not paid at the beginning of the year. If you already have a shirt from a friend or sibling, your student may wear that one and does not have to buy another one.

October Field Trip
Our big field trip this year is to the Alabama National Fair Choral Festival in Montgomery on Monday, October 31st. The cost of this trip is $45 and goes to pay for:
charter bus transportation-(aprox. $2,000)
wristbands for students to ride unlimited rides ($20/student)
admission to the fair ($5/student)
I will have this on myschoolfees.com next week. The deadline to pay for this trip is Friday, October 7th because I must pay for the tickets, wristbands and buses in advance. Please let us know if you need financial assistance and we can usually work something out. An itinerary for the trip and more details will be coming your way soon. We will also need chaperones for this trip, so please be thinking about that if you are available or are able to take off work to join us. Chaperones must ride the charter buses with us, however, parents who are not chaperones may drive down to see the performance. It is an all day trip for students.

Show  Choir Tryouts
Show Choir tryouts for students that did not tryout in May are Friday, September 23rd after school. Students must sing a song of their choosing. Packets of information about show choir will be available  for students to pick up next week.

Saturday, July 30, 2016

Welcome to 6th Grade Choir 2016-2017 at Brock's Gap Intermediate!

Hi 6th Grade Choir Parents,

My name is Lindsay Walker and I am the Choral Director at Brock’s Gap. If your child attended Brock’s Gap last year, they went to music twice a week, once with me and once with Lisa Vines. In the past, Lisa has taught choir with me, but this year she is returning to teaching in the EMT rotation. I am happy to announce that Micah Brooker will be teaching choir with me this year. I am excited see all that he will bring to choir this year. We are so happy your student has chosen choir as their elective! We are going to have a great year together. Your child will benefit greatly from having two teachers for choir.

My philosophy as a choral director is that everyone can sing and singing is a teachable skill. Whether your student has a lot of experience singing solos in front of a crowd or just sings in the shower or with the radio, we are all going to get better at singing and reading music together. 

 Requirements for choir:

There are no tryouts for choir. We are happy to have your child in choir no matter what their ability level is. However, your child must be willing to try to sing and follow directions given by the teacher(s). Choir, like any performing ensemble, requires discipline and focus. Choir does not conflict with athletics. This is a very common misconception. There are two evening concerts a year that are required (for a grade), one in December and one in May. Everything else is during school hours. Please talk to me if you have concerns with this. You will be given these dates months in advance to ensure that you can plan for these dates accordingly. Band also requires students to attend two night concerts a year. Choir is a performance based class and performance attendance is graded. We will have a few field trips (day trips) where we perform at a venue other than the school. More info about grading procedures, discipline, an auditioned extracurricular show choir, field trips and uniform will be given out the first week of school.

Your child needs to bring a 1" (one inch) white 3 ring hard cover binder for choir. This is not on the school supply list. The flimsy covered binders do not work for us. This binder will stay in the choir room and cannot be shared with another class.

I will be emailing you frequently throughout the year. In fact, email will be my primary method of communication with you. I want to go ahead and get some dates to you so that you can begin to have an idea of what our choir calendar will look like for this school year.

Please note the following dates for the first months of school on your calendar:

Thurs., August 25th: (Meet the teacher night at BGIS) Choir Parent Meeting 5:15 in the choir room

Sept. TBA: BGIS Show Choir Tryouts (optional) in the BGIS Choir room (for anyone who did not tryout in May)

Monday, November 7th: BGIS Choir Field Trip: Alabama National Fair Choral Competition in Montgomery via charter bus. Depart at 8 am, return to school at 4:30 p.m.

I will be sending out more info on the above dates very soon and the calendar will be discussed at the Choir Parent Meeting on the 25th. If you need to contact me prior to the first day of school, please contact me via email.
We are so excited your child is going to be in choir with us this year! I met some of you last year and I look forward to meeting all of you personally soon. We will also need your help and support throughout the school year. Micah and I are committed to making choir a positive experience for your child this year!


Lindsay Walker
Choral Director
Brock's Gap Intermediate School

Thursday, May 5, 2016

BGIS 6th Grade Choir Spring Concert Reminder May 19th

BGIS 6th Grade Choir Spring Concert Reminder

Thurs., May 19th 6:30, BGIS Gym, Spring Choral Concert- REQUIRED FOR ALL CHOIR STUDENTS (counts for a large grade) 

Athletic practices or lessons are not excused, so please reschedule those. Coaches are required to excuse a player for a school event that is graded. Students must have an excuse in writing (preferably doctor's excuse for sickness) should they miss the concert due to sickness, family emergency or approved prearranged absence form with the school. No other excuses will be accepted. Cadence clinic will end by 5:15 at the latest to allow our students trying out for Cadence to get over to BGIS. 

Call times:
Students report at 6:00
Doors open to parents and friends at 6:20. Parents, please wait outside the gym until we open the doors. We must do some rehearsing before you come in.  The concert will last about an hour.

Attire for choir students: Black Choir t-shirt, khaki pants with belt and tennis shoes
Attire for show choir students: Grey Show Choir t-shirt, khaki pants with belt and tennis shoes