Wednesday, January 11, 2017

BGIS Choir Calendar Spring Semester

JANUARY 20th 3:00-7:00: Choeography Workshop (choir room)-Show Choir only

FEBRUARY 24th, 2017 (Fri.) 6:00pm: Hoover Schools Show Choir Showcase

**MARCH 23rd-24th, 2017--(one of these days only)--TBA: State Choral Performance Assessment at Moody Music Building University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa

APRIL 18th (Tues.): Brock's Gap Intermediate School Fine Arts Night, 6:00PM (Brock's Gap Show Choir performs at 6:15 in the gym, students report at 5:45)

APRIL 29th-30th, 2017 (Fri. & Sat.): Young Voices Festival Field Trip (select students only), University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa

MAY 9th, 2017 (Tues.): BGIS Show Choir performs at Bumpus Cadence Concert, 6:30, students report at 6:00

**MAY 15th, 2017 (Mon.): Spring Choral Concert - 6:30 BGIS Competition Gym, students report at 5:45

**MAY TBA: Choir performs at Awards Day (during school)

** These events are required and for a grade.