Show Choir Auditions are Thursday, September 28th from 3:00-5:00 and Friday, September 29th until 5:30. Auditions are here in the choir room at BGIS. Auditions are not open to parents/family/friends. Please make sure that your student has a ride home if they plan to stay for auditions.
About Show Choir Auditions....
1. Students must individually sing one minute of a song of their choosing.
2. Students will learn a choreography routine on Thursday and audition with it on Friday in groups of 4 or 5 students at a time. (We designate the groups.) See details below.
Each student will receive a score from an experienced singing teacher judge not associated with Hoover City Schools.
If your student is chosen to be a part of the group, practice will be on Tuesdays after school until 4:30.
Accompaniment For Your Audition Song
There are three choices when it comes to accompaniment:
1. Sing a cappella (no instruments or recorded instruments).
2. Bring a recorded accompaniment (CD or flash drive).
3. Accompany yourself on the piano, guitar or ukelele.
Your Audition Song Should Show Your Strengths First
When given a choice, always choose the best song you have to offer. Don't necessary choose a song you like, but rather a song that shows the strengths of your voice. There are plenty of songs we may like but don't perform well, because they are not in our range or don't show off our voice. Choose an audition song that is within your comfortable singing range – this is not the time to stretch for a note, either too high or too low. The judge will expect you to show off the very best you have to offer, and this means performing a song that is well rehearsed. For some ideas, search You Tube Karaoke. If you choose to use a Youtube Karaoke link, email the link to Mrs. Walker at
The choreography for the dance part of auditions will be taught during the clinic after school on Thursday. Students will be put into small groups for the dance part of the audition. Students will be scored individually on choreography even though they are in a small group. Individuals will not be penalized if others within their group do not perform well. Each student is responsible for executing the choreography well on an individual basis.
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